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  • HPC

HPC on the State of FHA’s Mutual Mortgage Insurance Fund

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 15, 2021

Washington, D.C. – The Housing Policy Council (HPC) released the following:

“HPC commends HUD Secretary Marcia Fudge for her stewardship of the Federal Housing Administration’s primary mortgage insurance fund which, according to the actuarial assessment released today, remains in strong financial health. HPC also applauds Secretary Fudge’s decision to preserve the current Mortgage Insurance Premium (MIP) levels and to delay further consideration of a MIP adjustment until more is known about the outcomes of the FHA loans currently in forbearance or seriously delinquent. Secretary Fudge has demonstrated effective leadership during a time of tremendous challenge, directing the agency to respond quickly and appropriately to the financial hardship faced by consumers and to work closely and collaboratively with key stakeholders, including mortgage servicers and consumer advocates, to assist homeowners in need. FHA’s actions are contributing to a strong national recovery. HPC looks forward to continuing to engage with FHA to expand and enhance programs to reach socially disadvantaged segments of the population, to align program rules and practices with market standards, and to advance the important technology modernization activities underway.”


About HPC The Housing Policy Council (HPC) is a trade association whose members are among the nation’s leading mortgage originators, servicers, insurers & data/settlement service providers. Founded in 2003, HPC advocates for a competitive marketplace that embraces accountability, transparency, and consistency. Members of HPC are committed to working with all stakeholders to realize a resilient housing finance system that expands opportunity, improves the customer experience, and operates efficiently and safely. Contact:


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