Ed DeMarco
Housing Policy Council
HPC’s advocacy work is focused on fostering and facilitating a practical and purposeful evolution for our housing finance system.
Welcome to HPC
I am pleased to serve as the President of HPC, a policy and trade organization with a unique mission and membership. HPC’s members are leaders in housing finance, representing the primary market’s ecosystem of mortgage lenders and servicers; data, technology, and analytics firms; and mortgage, title and property insurers. Collectively, HPC member companies are the nucleus of the U.S. housing finance system, supporting the flow of capital from across the globe into the mortgage market to serve all Americans who are or aspire to become homeowners. I am proud to advocate on their behalf, because HPC member companies take very seriously their role in the marketplace and their responsibility to promote and support sustainable homeownership opportunities.
HPC’s advocacy work is focused on fostering and facilitating a practical and purposeful evolution for our housing finance system. HPC members engage in activities and promote policies that advance a mortgage marketplace that is economically sound, protects and promotes the interests of all consumers, and allows private companies to flourish under a set of regulatory rules that are fair and balanced.
HPC’s strategic plan covers a limited number of critical issues, including: restoring the private market to expand the level of private capital and introduce effective risk controls into the marketplace; modernizing the government agencies involved in housing finance, such as FHA, to expand each agency’s capacity to fulfill its mission and manage risk; reformulating Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to remove the public-loss and private-gain model that added substantial risk to the housing finance system; developing a sustainable approach to expanding affordable housing opportunities that will reach historically underserved segments of our population; and cultivating a market environment that encourages and enables responsible innovation.
One of the most rewarding aspects of my position at HPC is that our member companies have pledged to commit their time and energy to improving and enhancing the housing finance ecosystem, regardless of their particular role in the marketplace. HPC members are committed to promoting the greater good - of the industry, the customers we serve, the national economy, and the US government that is both a partner and a regulator for the work we do.
On behalf of our staff and member companies, I welcome you to engage with us in this important and inspiring policy work.
Yours truly,